23  R Exploratory Data Analysis Exercise

24 Exploratory Data Analysis

  • Goal: Understand your data
  • Ask questions
    • Understand each phenotype
    • Understand how each phenotype varies
    • Understand how the phenotypes are related to each other
    • Understand how the data are organized
  • Plot often, plot everything!

24.1 Load Libraries


24.2 Explore Project 1 data

Let’s explore the Project 1 data set:

load("data/project1.RData", verbose = TRUE)
Loading objects:
  • ds = data set
  • dd = data dictionary

Project 1 Questions

  • Which of the measurements are sample-specific?
  • Which are subject-specific?
  • How to structure the data for sharing via dbGaP?

24.3 Dimensions

  • What are the dimensions of our data?

24.4 Dimensions

Task: Examine the dimensions of our data and data dictionary.

24.4.1 Data ds

[1] 191  24
 [1] "sample_id"                "Sample_trimester"        
 [3] "Gestationalage_sample"    "subject_id"              
 [5] "strata"                   "race"                    
 [7] "maternal_age_delivery"    "case_control_status"     
 [9] "prepregnancy_weight"      "height"                  
[11] "prepregnancy_BMI"         "gravidity"               
[13] "parity"                   "gestationalage_delivery" 
[15] "average_SBP_lt20weeks"    "average_DBP_lt20weeks"   
[17] "average_SBP_labor"        "average_DBP_labor"       
[19] "smoke_lifetime"           "baby_birthweight"        
[21] "baby_sex"                 "baby_birthweight_centile"
[23] "baby_SGA"                 "placental_pathology"     

24.4.2 Data dictionay dd

[1] 27  5
[1] "Original.Variable.Name" "R21.Variable.Name"      "Description"           
[4] "Variable.Units"         "Variable.Coding"       

24.5 Arrangement

  • How are the data arranged?
    • Is it in tidy format?
    • Is it one row per sample or per subject?
    • Were subjects sampled more than once?

24.5.1 Samples or subjects

Is it one row per sample or per subject?

Question: How would you figure out the answer to this question?

[1] 72
[1] 119
[1] 54

24.5.2 Unique values

To figure out which phenotypes vary within subjects, it would be helpful to answer this question:

Question: How can we figure out the number of unique values in each column of our ds data frame?

A similar related question is: How would you count the number of subjects who have more than one distinct measure at each of the phenotypes?

sapply(ds, function(x) {
}) %>%
    sort(decreasing = TRUE) %>%
Gestationalage_sample 189
sample_id 119
subject_id 54
maternal_age_delivery 54
prepregnancy_BMI 54
gestationalage_delivery 54
baby_birthweight_centile 52
prepregnancy_weight 51
height 42
baby_birthweight 30
average_DBP_labor 27
average_SBP_labor 23
strata 21
average_SBP_lt20weeks 19
average_DBP_lt20weeks 16
gravidity 5
Sample_trimester 4
parity 4
race 3
case_control_status 2
smoke_lifetime 2
baby_sex 2
placental_pathology 2
baby_SGA 1

This can also be generated using the map function from the purrr R package.

ds %>%
    map(\(x) length(unique(x))) %>%
    unlist() %>%
    sort(decreasing = TRUE) %>%
Gestationalage_sample 189
sample_id 119
subject_id 54
maternal_age_delivery 54
prepregnancy_BMI 54
gestationalage_delivery 54
baby_birthweight_centile 52
prepregnancy_weight 51
height 42
baby_birthweight 30
average_DBP_labor 27
average_SBP_labor 23
strata 21
average_SBP_lt20weeks 19
average_DBP_lt20weeks 16
gravidity 5
Sample_trimester 4
parity 4
race 3
case_control_status 2
smoke_lifetime 2
baby_sex 2
placental_pathology 2
baby_SGA 1

Suppose we wanted to directly count the number of subjects who have more than one distinct measure at each of the phenotypes.

One approach for doing this would be to take the phenotype and group by subject_id and count distinct values within those subject-specific groups, and then add up the total number of subjects who have more than one distinct value.

subject.N <- function(df.col, subj.ID) {
    # Count distinct entries when grouped by subj.ID Input: df.col = a
    # phenotype vector subj.ID = a vector of corresponding subject IDs
    # Construct a dataframe containing the phenotype and subject IDS
    df <- bind_cols(df.col = df.col, subj.ID = subj.ID)
    suppressMessages(df.n <- df %>%
        group_by(subj.ID) %>%
        distinct() %>%
        mutate(n = n()) %>%
        select(subj.ID, n) %>%
    # Count how many subj.ID's have more than one distinct value
    sum(df.n$n > 1)

subj.ID <- ds$subject_id
# Apply our function using 'map'
ds %>%
    map(\(x) subject.N(x, subj.ID)) %>%
    unlist() %>%
    sort(decreasing = TRUE)
   Gestationalage_sample                sample_id         Sample_trimester 
                      47                       39                       34 
                    race               subject_id                   strata 
                       1                        0                        0 
   maternal_age_delivery      case_control_status      prepregnancy_weight 
                       0                        0                        0 
                  height         prepregnancy_BMI                gravidity 
                       0                        0                        0 
                  parity  gestationalage_delivery    average_SBP_lt20weeks 
                       0                        0                        0 
   average_DBP_lt20weeks        average_SBP_labor        average_DBP_labor 
                       0                        0                        0 
          smoke_lifetime         baby_birthweight                 baby_sex 
                       0                        0                        0 
baby_birthweight_centile                 baby_SGA      placental_pathology 
                       0                        0                        0 

The variables with a count of zero here are those where no more than 1 distinct value was observed for each subject. These are likely subject-level variables. Indeed, for the majority of these, the variable names are consistent with them being subject-level variables instead of variables that are measured every time a sample was taken.

24.5.3 Subject-level data set

Task: Construct a subject-level data set ds.subj

How would you construct a subject-level data set?

We need to drop the sample-specific measures, retaining only subject-level measures, and then select unique records:

ds.subj <- ds %>%
    select(-sample_id, -Sample_trimester, -Gestationalage_sample) %>%
select: dropped 3 variables (sample_id, Sample_trimester, Gestationalage_sample)
distinct: removed 136 rows (71%), 55 rows remaining

But there is a duplicated record where race differs but all other attributes are identical, so we filter one of those two records out:

[1] 1
ds.subj %>%
    group_by(subject_id) %>%
    filter(n() > 1)
group_by: one grouping variable (subject_id)
filter (grouped): removed 53 rows (96%), 2 rows remaining (removed 53 groups, one group remaining)
# A tibble: 2 × 21
# Groups:   subject_id [1]
  subject_id strata race  maternal_age_delivery case_control_status
  <chr>       <dbl> <chr>                 <dbl>               <dbl>
1 SUBJ20         35 W                      29.4                   1
2 SUBJ20         35 White                  29.4                   1
# ℹ 16 more variables: prepregnancy_weight <dbl>, height <dbl>,
#   prepregnancy_BMI <dbl>, gravidity <dbl>, parity <dbl>,
#   gestationalage_delivery <dbl>, average_SBP_lt20weeks <dbl>,
#   average_DBP_lt20weeks <dbl>, average_SBP_labor <dbl>,
#   average_DBP_labor <dbl>, smoke_lifetime <chr>, baby_birthweight <dbl>,
#   baby_sex <chr>, baby_birthweight_centile <dbl>, baby_SGA <chr>,
#   placental_pathology <chr>
ds.subj <- ds.subj %>%
    filter(race != "White")
filter: removed one row (2%), 54 rows remaining
[1] 0

24.6 Coding

  • How are the data coded?
    • Are they coded correctly?
    • Which are categorical and which are continuous?
    • Are they coded consistently with the data dictionary?
    • Is there a data dictionary?
    • Do we need to skip rows when reading the data in?

24.6.1 Recode for understandability

Using the subject-level data set ds.subj, let’s recode case_control_status from 0 and 1 into a new PE_status variable coded as control and case.

First, look up the coding used for the case_control_status variable in the Data Dictionary dd:

dd %>%
    filter(R21.Variable.Name == "case_control_status") %>%
filter: removed 26 rows (96%), one row remaining
[1] "0: normotensive control; 1: preeclampsia case"

Task: Using the subject-level data set ds.subj, recode case_control_status from 0 and 1 into a new PE_status variable coded as control and case.

So the data dictionary gives the meaning of the 0 and 1 codes:

“0: normotensive control; 1: preeclampsia case”

ds.subj$PE_status <- factor(ds.subj$case_control_status)
[1] "0" "1"
levels(ds.subj$PE_status) <- c("control", "case")

# Check that the recoding was correct:
xtabs(~case_control_status + PE_status, data = ds.subj)
case_control_status control case
                  0      26    0
                  1       0   28

Recoding could also be done using Tidyverse function:

ds.subj <- ds.subj %>%
    mutate(PE_status = case_when(case_control_status == 0 ~ "control", case_control_status ==
        1 ~ "case"))
mutate: converted 'PE_status' from factor to character (0 new NA)
xtabs(~case_control_status + PE_status, data = ds.subj)
case_control_status case control
                  0    0      26
                  1   28       0

24.7 Missing data

  • What is the pattern of missing data?
    • How are missing data coded?
    • Is there a single missing data code?

Here we could use plot_missing from the DataExplorer R package.


Task: Try out plot_missing on the subject-level data set ds.subj.


It is kind of unusual to have no missing data in a real data set.

To see what the output might look like when there is some missing data, let’s introduce some using the createNAs function from this StackOverflow entry:


createNAs <- function(x, pctNA = 0.1) {
    n <- nrow(x)
    p <- ncol(x)
    NAloc <- rep(FALSE, n * p)
    NAloc[sample.int(n * p, floor(n * p * pctNA))] <- TRUE
    x[matrix(NAloc, nrow = n, ncol = p)] <- NA

df <- ds.subj
df <- createNAs(df)
df <- data.frame(df)

                    feature num_missing pct_missing
1                subject_id           4  0.07407407
2                    strata           6  0.11111111
3                      race           9  0.16666667
4     maternal_age_delivery           1  0.01851852
5       case_control_status           4  0.07407407
6       prepregnancy_weight           5  0.09259259
7                    height           7  0.12962963
8          prepregnancy_BMI           3  0.05555556
9                 gravidity           9  0.16666667
10                   parity           6  0.11111111
11  gestationalage_delivery           8  0.14814815
12    average_SBP_lt20weeks           1  0.01851852
13    average_DBP_lt20weeks           6  0.11111111
14        average_SBP_labor           8  0.14814815
15        average_DBP_labor           5  0.09259259
16           smoke_lifetime           5  0.09259259
17         baby_birthweight           2  0.03703704
18                 baby_sex           5  0.09259259
19 baby_birthweight_centile           7  0.12962963
20                 baby_SGA           7  0.12962963
21      placental_pathology           3  0.05555556
22                PE_status           7  0.12962963

When there is some missing data, in addition to applying plot_missing and profile_missing, you could also apply functions from the ‘VIM’ R package, which has a number of commands that are useful for visualizing missing data patterns.


24.8 Distribution

  • What is the distribution of each of our phenotypes?
    • Are data skewed?
    • What is the range of values?
    • Is the range of values realistic?

Potentially useful DataExplorer commands to use in this context include:

plot_bar    Plot bar chart
plot_density    Plot density estimates
plot_histogram  Plot histogram
plot_qq Plot QQ plot

Task: Try out these commands.

1 columns ignored with more than 50 categories.
subject_id: 54 categories




24.9 Variation

  • How do our data vary and co-vary?
    • Do multiple measures agree with each other?
    • Are there sex-specific or age-specific differences?

Task: As it is of interest to examine how our traits vary by pre-eclampsia case/control status, we can explore this by using the by="PE_status" argument within the DataExplorer commands to break down the plots drawn in the previous section by PE_status.

Also try creating boxplots using the plot_boxplot command.

24.9.1 Bar plots

plot_bar(ds.subj, by = "PE_status")
1 columns ignored with more than 50 categories.
subject_id: 54 categories

24.9.2 Box plots

plot_boxplot(ds.subj, by = "PE_status")

24.9.3 QQ plots

plot_qq(ds.subj, by = "PE_status")

24.9.4 Correlation

For plotting correlation matrices, DataExplorer provides the plot_correlation command.

Task: Try plot_correlation out, on the subset of numeric columns.

plot_correlation(ds.subj %>%
select: dropped 7 variables (subject_id, race, smoke_lifetime, baby_sex,
baby_SGA, …)

24.9.5 ggpairs

Use ggpairs from the GGally R package.

# To illustrate, let's just use three of the numeric traits:
ds1 <- ds.subj[, c(15, 17, 19)]
[1] "average_DBP_labor"        "baby_birthweight"        
[3] "baby_birthweight_centile"

Task: Try it out - apply ggpairs to ds1.


Task: Redraw the ggpairs plot, using the mapping argument to color by PE_status.

To figure out how do this, look at the examples in the ?ggpairs function documentation.


This cannot be done using the ds1 object because that does not contain any PE_status information.

ggpairs(ds.subj, columns = c(15, 17, 19), ggplot2::aes(color = PE_status))

24.9.6 ggcorr


The ggcorr function from the GGally R package can also be used to make a correlation matrix plot.

ggcorr(ds1, label = TRUE)

24.10 DataExplorer

We can quickly create a report using the create_report function from the DataExplorer R package




24.11 dataMaid

The dataMaid R package can also be used to create an exporatory data analysis report.

makeDataReport(ds.subj, output="html")



24.12 SmartEDA

The SmartEDA R package also has a command to create an exploratory data analysis report - this command is ExpReport.

ExpReport(ds.subj, op_file="SmartEDAReport.html")
ExpReport(ds.subj, Target="PE_status", Rc="control", op_file="SmartEDAReportII.html")

For more information, see https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/SmartEDA/vignettes/SmartEDA.html