Human Genetics Ph.D. student, 2020 -
1994 - M.S., Human Genetics
Strategies for genomic searching using the affected pedigree member method of linkage analysis
2004 - Ph.D., Human Genetics
Comparison of methods incorporating covariates into affected sib pair linkage analysis
2007 - Ph.D., Human Genetics
Affected relative pair linkage statistics that model relationship uncertainty
2009 - Ph.D., Biostatistics
Genetics of age-related maculopathy & score statistics for X-linked quantitative trait loci
2015 - Ph.D., Biostatistics
Gene-based association testing of dichotomous traits using generalized functional linear mixed models for family data
2018 - M.S., Human Genetics
Epigenome-wide association study of recovery outcomes of traumatic brain injury patients
2018 - M.S., Biostatistics
Exploring the genetic characteristics underlying a multidimensional latent chemotherapy symptom burden
2020 - M.S., Biostatistics
Genome-wide association studies in Samoans give insight into obesity by investigating skinfold thickness